Masterbuilt 560 Review - Is This the Future of Charcoal Cooking?
When the email hit my inbox the other morning I knew I wanted to do a Masterbuilt Gravity Series Grill Review.
I have had a few previous glimpses at this cooker via the @KamadoJoe Instagram page where chef Eric was cooking for crowds over various Kamado Joe and Masterbuilt devices.

Photo: Masterbuilt
Masterbuilt gravity series is packed with clever features
It will cook with hardwood lump charcoal or briquettes
The first thing I found significant about the grill is that it can operate both with hardwood lump charcoal and briquettes. As a Kamado guy who uses lump charcoal 99% of the time, the ability to use readily accessible briquettes is a smart move for Masterbuilt.
Its gravity-fed hopper claims to hold about 10lbs of hardwood lump charcoal or about 16lbs of briquettes. Cooking with charcoal is great for high heat searing but also you get the added benefit of smoky flavor.
Unlike other charcoal smokers, the digital control panel is in charge of temperature control. It will allow you to quickly switch back and forth from using charcoal to smoke and then grill sear foods at a higher temperature.
MB20040220 560 Series Gravity Fed Charcoal Grill with PID control. Masterbuilt® | Kamado Joe®, Columbus, GA. Photo by John David Helms,
Gravity Series hits your desired temperature quickly with fan assisted temperature control
Light the charcoal with a firestarter or a few wads of paper and set the DIGITALFAN™ CONTROL to your desired cooking temperature using the grills control panel or your wireless device.
The grill claims to be able to reach a smoking temperature of about 225F in seven minutes and can have you grilling at 700F in 13 minutes. The DIGITALFAN™ CONTROL uses a digitally controlled fan which adjusts the temperature as it moves air from the charcoal hopper to the cooking chamber giving it just the amount of airflow for your desired temperature. This is quite a wide temperature range for such a short amount of time.
MB20040220 560 Series Gravity Fed Charcoal Grill with PID control. Masterbuilt® | Kamado Joe®, Columbus, GA. Photo by John David Helms,
Monitor food temperatures with up to four probes
Similar sized pellet grills often come with a single and occasionally dual temperature sensing meat probes integration to the control panel. Someone at Masterbuilt was thinking clearly when they added not one or two, but four individual temperature monitoring ports to this grill. Now if you're cooking something like a turkey, you can monitor white meat, dark meat stuffing, and even a side dish simultaneously so your meal is cooked safely and properly.
Photo: Masterbuilt
At a $ 499.00 price point, this cooker has the potential to be quite disruptive to both pellet and charcoal grill sales into 2020.
UPDATE: The Masterbuilt Gravity Series 560 Digital Charcoal Grill & Smoker is now available at WalMart.
==>> Click Here to check it out at WalMart
After having cooked with this grill over two dozen times I find it to be a fun cooker and a good value for the money. However, the price point is low with this cooker so one shouldn't set expectations too high.
I appreciate the porcelain coated grill grate which is relatively easy to clean.
The size of this grill is about right for most users with plenty of square inches of cooking space to do most things with some room to spare.
Although it has the capacity to accept four meat probes, it only comes with one. At least a second included probe would have been a nice touch.
Another thing I find odd is that the hardware sealing the hopper lid, and firebox area seem to be more durable than the material of the grill itself.
I applaud the innovation shown with this grill.
If you're looking for a fun grill with interesting features and the ability to use different types of charcoal this is definitely worth looking at. It's probably not going to be something you pass down to your grandchildren but until then you can have loads of fun using it.
A review of a product you haven't used yet? That's like reviewing a movie based on the trailer.
Hey Scott-
Valid point!
Hopefully, the article conveyed my excitement with the innovation and that I appreciate a company going in this direction combining convenience, technology, and of course charcoal.
The units are not yet available but as soon as they are I will be doing hands-on testing.
I'm curious about the how the drippings are caught, and do they drip down on the "heat exchanger" and become part of the smoking/flavoring process and is there a water pan for humidity,
I've been waiting for this grill to come out since Masterbuilt announced it. I've only seen it on and I can't wait for it to show up on my doorstep. Santa is coming early this year.
I'm also anxiously awaiting its arrival. I can't wait to test it!
I ordered mine on Walmart's website last night and it's scheduled to be delivered November 19. I have a kamado and an insulated cabinet, but if this can hold up to their promises, it seems it could replace both for most of my cooks. Can't wait to try it out.
I'd be excited to get your take on it, Tim after you have a chance to cook with it a few times.
If this lived up to the hype, I can't wait to get my hands on one.I AM REALLY interested in the 2020 series that is supposed to follow this one.
I meant that they are supposed to release s larger series in 2020
The larger cooker should be quite interesting-
im not sure if anyone else has experienced this problem but the plunger safety switches on the burn chamber and grill lid fail after a wile and prevent the blower fan from running. the fan must operate to use the grill , i had to bypass them in order to use my grill
I could see how this may happen. The electronics on this gril disappoint me.
Barbecue is the most American food that is popular in America. It has many regional variations, including the Memphis sticky ribs, Central Texas smoked brisket, along with Kansas City's burnt ends, and the Carolinas vinegar and mustard-sauced meats. There's more to this cult food than you can see.